Keynote 1 - October 10th
Digitalization of the Swiss Energy Sector – an outlook

Dr. Matthias Galus
Dr. Matthias Galus is head of the Section Geoinformation and Digital Innovation at the Federal Office of Energy (SFOE). It is SFOE’s competence center for Digitalization, Open Government Data and Data Science. Under his leadership, the section is pushing forward the digital transformation of the Swiss energy sector and of SFOE itself. Activities are centered around data and innovation, leveraging geoinformation, data science, artificial intelligence and cloud technologies as well as regulation of digitalization in the energy sector. He completed electrical engineering and industrial engineering at RWTH Aachen University in 2005 and 2007, respectively followed by a doctorate at the ETH Zurich in the field of intelligent energy systems. He is the author of a plethora of articles and book chapters on intelligent and digital energy systems.
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Keynote 2 - October 11th
Spatiotemporal forecasting with graph neural networks

Prof. Dr. Cesare Alippi
Cesare Alippi is a Professor at Università della Svizzera italiana and Politecnico di Milano, Scientific director of the IDSIA USI-SUPSI institute, visiting professor at the Guangdong University of Technology and the Northwestern Polytechnic, China.
Alippi is an IEEE, ELLIS and AAIA Fellow. He received several international awards including the International Neural Networks Society Gabor award and the Enrique Ruspini meritorious service award from the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.
Current research addresses adaptation and learning in non-stationary environments, graph neural processing and Intelligence in embedded, IoT and cyber-physical systems.
He holds 8 patents, has published one monograph book, 7 edited books and more than 200 papers in international journals and conference proceedings.
Please download presentation slides here.